Wednesday 1 June 2011

Flaws of project youth

Under Arsen Wenger Arsenal FC has mange to build up one of the finest scouting network in world football yet we seem to have missed out on some of the finest young talents. One cannot stop wondering what it could be if we had manage to sign some of those great talents, who are lighting up European game right now, the potential success we could have had in the past few years. We have gone six years without a trophy, which for a club that wants to be dominant force is Europe is failure. However, the biggest disappointment is the season that has ended. The previous five seasons was about developing these youngsters we acquired and this was meant to be the season they delivered. Sadly they came short and questions must be asked why the talents unearthed by our esteemed scouting network have failed to deliver…

Our South American scouting network illustrates what our problem or short coming is. It is no secret that Arsenal followed players like De Maria, Javier Pastore, Mascherano, Tevez, Hernadez, Neymar et al and yet we ended up with Denilson, Vela, Wellington, Pedro et al, who simply have not been anywhere near as good to play for a top European club.

This does not make our scouting network flowed. Their job is to identify the players and report to clubs and it is then up to the management to make the deals happen, which we have failed to do so.
Signing young players is always a big gamble as united found out with Bebe, Munucho, Diouf and many others, Chelsea have spent millions on bringing in young players yet non yet to make a mark in their first team. Arsen has opted to take the cheaper gamble and it sure has not worked. We have not gone and signed the finest young talents at a higher price and opted for players with potential but at the same time came at a very low price. Good example of this is Pastore. It is well known fact that we made a bid for him which was turned down and subsequently the player was sold to Palermo for about £4 million pounds and we signed Amaury Bischoff on a free. It is Neymar we should have signed not Wellington. In our youth project we have prioritised finance ahead of success on the pitch and we are paying the price for that.
Now we have been linked with two of the most exciting young talents in world football, Hazzard and Sakho. Yes these players will cost a fortune but it is with these kind of players we will be able to go toe to toe with clubs like Barcelona year in year out. It is time Arsenal FC starts to operate with winning trophies as priority not making financial profit. The point of moving to the Emirates was so that we could compete with the top clubs for the best talents in world football and six years later it looks like a self-defeating project.
There are enough quality out there to improve our team and take us to the next level so Arsen this is your chance to  grab the opportunity and take this team to next level. Failing to act this summer will be criminal

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